Sewertronics™ POLAND

Partners and Distributors

Sewertronics™ conducts international sales throughout direct sales and experimented network of partners, trained to give to final users convenient after sales service. Please contact sales(at) to find your closest local partner. Sewertronics™ has direct sales resources in Germany, Poland and Portugal and is in continuous search for distributors and representatives to enlarge our global sales and service network.

Ask for a demonstration

Sewertronics™ test site is ready for all customers to check our innovative technology on-site. From our facilities in Poland, we offer free-of-charge demonstrations for all our product lines, giving customers the possibility of experience the capabilities of UV LED curing systems, UV curing equipment and electrical cutting robots.

Email us at to arrange your next visit.

Bialobrzegi 3L
37-114 Bialobrzegi